With time, I’ve come to realize that we often struggle to let go of things that hurt us—whether it’s people, memories, or dreams. As humans, we sometimes take pride in holding onto things, believing that never giving up is a sign of strength. But in reality, we often end up hurting ourselves more. Sometimes, bravery lies in letting go and taking a deep, calming breath. Letting go doesn’t make you a loser, it can actually open up new paths and perspectives that we might otherwise miss.
Healing begins when we accept that it’s time to move on. It starts when we stop seeing ourselves as victims and instead empower ourselves to embark on a new journey. It can be easy to stay in the same painful place because stepping forward into the unknown is daunting. But as Haruki Murakami wisely said, we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever.
Imagine carrying a heavy backpack full of rocks. Each rock represents a past hurt, regret, or disappointment. Carrying this backpack everywhere is exhausting and painful, but we often convince ourselves that we must bear this weight. However, the moment we decide to put the backpack down, we feel a sense of relief and freedom. The journey ahead, without the burden, suddenly seems less intimidating and more exciting.
Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting or denying the past. It means acknowledging what has happened, learning from it, and then moving forward. It’s about choosing to focus on the present and the future, rather than being stuck in a loop of past pain.
The process of healing and moving on is not linear. There will be days when you feel like you’ve made progress, and other days when it feels like you’re back at square one. That’s okay. What’s important is that you keep moving, even if the steps are small.
So, take a chance. Embrace the unknown. Move forward boldly towards new and wonderful possibilities. Your future is waiting, and it’s filled with opportunities that you can only discover if you’re willing to let go of what’s holding you back.