Love is one of those things everyone talks about, but what does it really mean? Let’s take a look at a beautiful story that might help us understand it better. In this story, Rukmini, who deeply adored Lord Krishna, asked him, “How much do you love me?” With a warm smile, Krishna replied, “Not more than you.” This answer puzzled Rukmini, so she asked, “How can that be?”
Krishna then explained, “I am your first love, and you are my second love.” At first, this might sound confusing, but Krishna was trying to share a deeper truth. He meant that love isn’t something we can measure or compare. Instead, it’s a feeling that we experience in many different ways throughout our lives.
Krishna gently touched Rukmini’s shoulder and said, “Love is simply a feeling. When we open our hearts, love can show up in different ways each time.”
The main takeaway here is that love isn’t about numbers or comparisons. It’s a precious emotion that brings richness and depth to our lives. Each time we feel love, it adds something new and special to our relationships. So instead of measuring or comparing love, let’s embrace and appreciate it for the unique and boundless joy it brings into our lives.